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“Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4. Book 5″ by A. Khalifman (English) ספר באנגלית. מק”ט 5236

מק"ט: 5326

₪140 ₪100


מק"ט: 5326 קטגוריות: ,

תיאור מוצר

256 עמודים

כריכת נייר

הוצאה לאור יולי 2005

21*14 ס”מ

256 pages


Published July 1, 2005 by Chess Star

21 * 14 cm

מידע נוסף

הספר הזה מוקדש לפתיחות (בלשון המעטה?) אקזוטיות למדי. למעשה, רוב אנשי השחמט מחשיבים את המערכות שניתחנו בכרך הזה כפשוט לא נכונות. המחבר כתב את הספר הזה עבור השחקנים הספציפיים  בתקווה שהוא עשוי להיות שימושי באמת עבורם. לא הייתי מעז להבטיח לך לנצח במשחקים שלך עם לבן, אבל יהיה לך יתרון הפתיחה - תהיה בטוח בזה! "לנצח במשחקים שלך עם לבן, אבל יהיה לך יתרון הפתיחה - תהיה בטוח בזה! "

"This book is devoted to openings (to put it mildly?) rather exotic. In fact, most of the chess-professionals consider the systems that we have analyzed in this volume as simply incorrect. It is maybe the Alekhine Defence, which can be spared such definite evaluation, but this would be probably only due to the reputation of this outstanding chess-genius. It is hardly worth denying that Black would eventually fail to equalize after moves like 1...a6, or 1...b6. Nevertheless... chess-players, belonging to the older generations, definitely remember the famous game Karpov-Miles (Skara 1980) 1.e4 a6 2.d4 b5 and? no, not 1-0 after 20 moves, but just the opposite - after 15 moves Black was already slightly better, after 25 moves Miles was clearly dominant and White resigned on move 46. Many less experienced players have encountered opponents at club-level who solve their opening problems once and for all, by avoiding the endless complicated lines of the Ruy Lopez, or the Sicilian Defence and instead respond to 1.e4 with 1...Nc6 (1...b6, 1...a6, 1...Nf6) and take care only about all immediate refutation attempts? The author has written this book for these particular players with the hope that it might be really useful for them. I would not venture to guarantee you winning your games with White, but you are going to have the opening advantage - be sure about that! "