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Set of Staunton plastic weighted pieces 99 mm and Silicon Chess Board 50 cm

SKU: 4085


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Set of Super Conqueror Staunton plastic weighted pieces 99 mm and Silicon Chess Board 50 cm

Chess piece material: Highest quality impact resistant plastic

Color of tools: ivory/black

The height of the king is 99 mm

King base: 41 mm

King weight: 70 grams

A chess piece with added weight

Set includes a white-brown silicone chess board.

Board dimensions: 1*500*500 mm

Square size: 55 mm

Set Weight: 1900 grams

Set dimensions: 50*7*14 cm

The set consists of 34 pieces (4 queens)

More Details

The super Conqueror weighted chess pieces are Ivory and Black with green felt padding on the bottom for traction. Get the durability of impact resistant plastic along with the classic look. The Conqueror chess set features a full 3 7/8" (99 mm) King with an incredibly balanced and stable base of 1 5/8" (41 mm). This set is colossal! And very nice design. They are fit our chess silicon board (50 x50 cm with 57 mm squares). This Chessboard included in the set. The Chessmen and the silicon chess board packaged in cardboard box. Complete set of 34 chess pieces (includes extra queens) Chessmen designed in "Staunton" style. Staunton is a special design for a set of chess pieces that was created in the middle of the 19th century and is now considered standard (classic). The designer of the kit is hessmen designed in "Staunton" style. Staunton is a special design for a set of chess pieces thatconsidered to be Nathaniel Cook. Staunton sets are recommended for competitions organized by FIDE. The shape of the pieces are named after the English chess player Howard Staunton, who was considered the strongest chess player in the world in the 1840s. One of the unique features of such figures is the square on a bishop The set includes a silicon chess board. Silicon chess boards are the most flexible chess boards available today. The silicon material has zero memory so these boards will layout out perfectly flat after being rolled up tight for long periods of time. You can even fold silicone boards and it won’t leave a crease. Silicone boards are durable, washable, and are superior to vinyl roll-up boards. Our silicone boards have algebraic notation and 2.25” (57mm) squares for regulation size pieces.