Home > Chess Clocks
Chess Clocks
Analog Wooden Chess Clock
Easy to use analog clock. Just wind up the movement, set the hands and you…
Analog Wooden Chess Clock with Big Base
Basic Digital Chess HQT101W Timer with Wood Grain
Basic Digital Chess Timer with Bonus & Delay is a reliable game timer that is…
Basic Digital Chess Timer HQT101
Classic Mechanical Analog Chess Clock
DGT 1002 Bonus Game Timer
The DGT1002 is the simpliest chess clock with bonus options available anywhere. It is extremely…
DGT 3000 chess clock with a large display approved by FIDE
$172.8 $158.4
The DGT 3000 is DGT's most advanced chess clock yet. It connects to all DGT…
DGT 960 Digital Chess Clock
$86.4 $63.36
Foldable Digital Chess Clock DGT 960
DGT Easy Plus Digital Chess Clock
Features & Functions: Intuitive operation Large moving lever for changing turns Large 13mm.(approximately one-half inch)…
DGT Echo, a speaking chess clock for blind
DGT Echo, a speaking chess clock for blind and visually impaired players.The DGT Echo is…
DGT2010 - The Official FIDE Chess Clock
$115.2 $105.12
DGT 2010 Digital Chess Clock are approved for use and is in full accordance with…
DGT2500 Official FIDE Chess Clock
$138.24 $123.84
The DGT2500 is the new standard in game timing, approved and recommended by the International…
Diamond Quartz Analog Chess Clock
This battery-operated Quartz analog clock is an economical chess clock which is reliable, accurate, easy…
Digital Chess Clock Approved by FIDE KK9908
1. Complies with all FIDE clock regulations 2. Correctly implement official FIDE time control 3.…
PQ9905 Quartz Analog Chess Clock
Quartz Chess Clock PQ9905 operated by battery. -Start counting once press button - 3 hands:…
PQ9912 Professional Digital Chess Clock
Multifuctional LEAP PQ9912 Compact Professional Digital Chess Clock Count Down Timer Novelty Practical Game Competition…
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